Aviation Electronics, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Electricals, and Controls (AVITEC)

AVITEC is an open access and peer-reviewed journal on electrical engineering published by Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology (Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto) in collaboration with Fortei. This journal aims to provide a platform for academicians, researchers, and practitioners to share their experience and solution to problems in the area of journal scopes. The journal is accredited SINTA 3. This journal is published twice a year in February and August, and has the scope and focus on the fields of:

  1. Aviation Electronics: Aircraft Navigation, Aircraft Communication, Aircraft Electronic and Electrical Systems, and Radar.
  2. Information Technology: Software Engineering, Information System, Data Mining, Multimedia, Mobile Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphic, Computer Vision, Augmented/Virtual Reality, Games Programming, Internet of Thing
  3. Telecommunications: Modulation and Signal Processing, Information Theory and Coding, Antenna and Wave Propagation, Wireless and Mobile Communication, Radio and Satellite Communication, Fiber Optic, Network and System.
  4. Electricals: Power Generation and Distribution, Microelectronic System, VLSI Design, Biomedical Instrument, Embedded System, Communication Electronic, Optoelectronic.
  5. Controls: Robotics, Mechatronics, Instrumentation and Control.Jurnal Teknik Elektro Fortei

But it is not limited to the section above. Jurnal Teknik Elektro

You can submit manuscripts to this journal by logging in on this site. If you are not registered on this site, please register first. Articles sent must be in accordance with the AVITEC's template. Articles that have gone through this editor stage will then be reviewed by AVITEC reviewers. Every submitted paper will be blind-reviewed by peer-reviewers for about two weeks according to the schedule on the timeline.Jurnal Teknik Elektro

AVITEC is covered in several abstracting and indexing databases including the given below:Jurnal Teknik Elektro

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Indexed by DOAJ, AVITEC is ready to publish the qualified journal


Starting from May 23, 2024, Journal of Aviation Electronics, Information Technology, Telecommunications, Electricals, and Controls (AVITEC) has been indexed in DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).

All articles published starting in the August 2024 edition will be indexed in DOAJ.

Posted: 2024-06-14 More...

Vol 7, No 1 (2025): February

Table of Contents

Ayobami O. Adedokun(1*), Folasade M. Dahunsi(2)
Affiliation :
1. Federal University of Technology Akure
2. Federal University of Technology Akure
(*) Corresponding Author
 10.28989/avitec.v7i1.2565,  Abstract view : 118 times, downloads : 43 times,
PDF page : 1-10
Retno Wahyusari(1*), Sunardi Sunardi(2), Abdul Fadlil(3)
Affiliation :
1. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ronggolawe
2. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
3. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
(*) Corresponding Author
 10.28989/avitec.v7i1.2722,  Abstract view : 60 times, downloads : 24 times,
PDF page : 11-18
Cahyani Pebriyanti(1*), Ichwan Nul Ichsan(2)
Affiliation :
1. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
 10.28989/avitec.v7i1.2707,  Abstract view : 64 times, downloads : 17 times,
PDF page : 19-29
Lubna Nadra Hasti(1*), Endi Permata(2), Didik Aribowo(3)
Affiliation :
1. Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
2. Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
3. Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
(*) Corresponding Author
 10.28989/avitec.v7i1.2738,  Abstract view : 68 times, downloads : 10 times,
PDF page : 31-40
Ernando Rizki Dalimunthe(1*), Novan Dwiki Ananda(2), Jaka Persada Sembiring(3), Muhammad Anwar Sadat Faidar(4), Elka Pranita(5), Akhmad Jayadi(6), Novia Utami Putri(7)
Affiliation :
1. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
2. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
3. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
4. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
5. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
6. Politeknik Negeri Lampung
7. Politeknik Negeri Lampung
(*) Corresponding Author
 10.28989/avitec.v7i1.2743,  Abstract view : 47 times, downloads : 11 times,
PDF page : 41-51
Muh Wildan(1*), Priyo Wibowo(2), Mochamad Sugeng Wicaksono(3), Muhammad Arif Sulaiman(4), Eldo Tri Rahmadani(5), Muhamad Adimukti Prasojo(6)
Affiliation :
1. Indonesia Civil Aviation Polytechnic
2. National Research and Innovation Agency
3. Jakarta Air Traffic Service Center - Airnav Indonesia
4. Indonesia Civil Aviation Polytechnic
5. Indonesia Civil Aviation Polytechnic
6. Indonesia Civil Aviation Polytechnic
(*) Corresponding Author
 10.28989/avitec.v7i1.2847,  Abstract view : 60 times, downloads : 16 times,
PDF page : 53-64
Hane Yorda Dinata(1*), Galura Muhammad Suranegara(2)
Affiliation :
1. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author
 10.28989/avitec.v7i1.2867,  Abstract view : 68 times, downloads : 0 times,
PDF page : 65-72