Analisis dan Desain Antena Mikrostrip untuk Komunikasi Satelit pada Frekuensi Ka-Band

Fariany Rizqa, Dharu Arseno, Trasma Yunita

Submitted : 2019-12-24, Published : 2020-01-16.


Satellite technology is a telecommunications technology where the satellite is a communication device placed in space and requires the allocation of the frequency spectrum for telecommunications services. The most widely used frequencies for satellite communication are the C-Band frequency (4 GHz to 8 GHz) and the Ku-Band frequency (12 GHz to 18 GHz). Also, Ka-Band frequency (26,5 GHz to 40 GHz) is the center of attention in the telecommunications industry nowadays because it has a large enough bandwidth to accommodate more service capacity. In this article, a microstrip antenna with a rectangular patch of four elements (array 2x2) has been designed using line feed rationing techniques that work at a frequency of 29,25 GHz (Ka-Band) for satellite communication. An appropriate antenna dimension is required so that the antenna can work and has a good performance at the expected frequency. Simulation results show a return loss value of -43,052 dB, VSWR is worth 1,014 with a bandwidth of 2,728 GHz. In addition, the resulting gain value is 7,823 dB with directional radiation patterns and ellipse polarization.


Microstrip Antenna, Array, Satellite Communication, Ka-Band

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