Analisis Speaker Recognition Menggunakan Metode Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) Berbasis Matlab
Submitted : 2019-08-07, Published : 2019-08-30.
Voice is one of way to communicate and express yourself. Speaker recognition is a process carried out by a device to recognize the speaker through the voice. This study designed a speaker recognition system that was able to identify speakers based on what was said by using dynamic time warping (DTW) method based in matlab. To design a speaker recognition system begins with the process of reference data and test data. Both processes have the same process, which starts with sound recording, preprocessing, and feature extraction. In this system, the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) method is used to extract the features. The results of the feature extraction process from the two data will be compared using the DTW method. Calculations using DTW that produce the smallest value will be determined as the output. The test results show that the system can identify the voice with the best level of recognition accuracy of 90%, and the average recognition accuracy of 80%. The results were obtained from 50 tests, carried out by 5 people consisting of 3 men and 2 women, each speaker said a predetermined word
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