Fish detection using morphological approach based on K means segmentation

Shoffan Saifullah, Andiko Putro Suryotomo, Bambang Yuwono

Submitted : 2021-04-27, Published : 2021-05-11.


Image segmentation is a concept that is often used for object detection. This detection has difficulty detecting objects with backgrounds that have many colors and even have a color similar to the object being detected. This study aims to detect fish using segmentation, namely segmenting fish images using k-means clustering. The segmentation process is processed by improving the image first. The initial process is preprocessing to improve the image. Preprocessing is done twice, before segmentation using k-means and after. Preprocessing stage 1 using resize and reshape. Whereas after k-means is the contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization. Preprocessing results are segmented using k-means clustering. The K-means concept classifies images using segments between the object and the background (using k = 8). The final step is the morphological process with open and close operations to obtain fish contours using black and white images based on grayscale images from color images. Based on the experimental results, the process can run well, with the ssim value close to 1, which means that image information does not change. Processed objects provide a clear picture of fish objects so that this k-means segmentation can help detect fish objects.


fish detection; histogram equalization; K-means; morphology; segmentation

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