Forward Chaining Method in a Web-Based Bipolar Disorder Expert System

Roselina Aritonang, Putri Taqwa Prasetyaningrum

Submitted : 2023-06-26, Published : 2023-11-30.


Bipolar disorder is a psychiatric disorder. At Argodadi Pinilih Disability Secretariat, Sedayu District, Yogyakarta Region, around 60% of people with disabilities are affected by psychiatric disorders and one of them is bipolar, one of them is depression, and suicide if initial treatment is not given to the sufferer. In addition, the cost of doing consultation with the medical specialist is not cheap.
An expert system is an artificial intelligence system that is useful for diagnosing an error and as a decision-maker with the knowledge rules applied by an intelligent system that can solve problems like an expert. In making an expert system, the forward chaining method is used which aims to be able to diagnose bipolar disorder with accurate results and its utilization can be used by experts and laypeople to make an initial diagnosis of bipolar disorder.
The results of this study are in the form of an expert system program that is used to diagnose bipolar disorder which can provide information related to the disease and can provide information on initial treatment of the disease. The information obtained by the consultant from the expert system is in the form of a percentage.


Expert system, Forward Chaining, Bipolar


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