Deni Fajar Pratama, Elizabeth Nurmiyati Tamatjita, Dwi Nugraheny

Submitted : 2017-10-23, Published : .


Today development of computer technology is growing rapidly, especialy in term of the game are certainly not stranger for the fans, from children to adults. The game has a positive impact that could indirectly hone the ability o f the brain and improve memory and patience.  Catur Inggris is a strategy game like chess origin from Pekanbaru city, Riau province is generally played by two people, but more simple. Catur Inggris is based on Android with the programming C # language. Catur Inggris using Minimax algorithm with three difficulty levels that is, easy, medium, and hard. Minimax algorithm is an algorithm that using Depth-First Search method to find solutions step with limited depth. The results obtained from the test results using the algorithm method Minimax with Depth-First Search managed to generate possible winning position. Results obtained from tests using Minimax algorithm is 80% with five depth o f Depth-First Search tree four wins for the computer and a victory for the player, therefore Minimax algorithm can work well Catur Inggris game, and results test for user with 30 respondents get results 84%, therefore Catur Inggris game had a very good response from the users


Catur Inggris Game, Minimax, Depth-First Search, Android


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