Compiler is one of the journals published by Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology. This journal has the scope and focus on the fields of computer science and informatics, first printed published 2012 with P-ISSN 2252-3839 in May and November. The Compiler was published in Open Journal System (OJS) 2016 with E-ISSN 2549-2403. Writing on articles published in English has doi 10.28989/compiler.xxxx.xxxx. The publishing process is preceded by checking the writing system which must be in accordance with the applicable template, if the writing procedures of the articles sent by the author in * .doc or * .docx are in accordance with the template, then the review process is carried out within two weeks by two Compiler reviewers. If the reviewer makes a decision on the article from the author being accepted, the article will be published in the month in which the compiler is regularly published. compiler is published 2 times in 1 year in May and November (Timelines) All articles published on the Compiler are indexed on Google Scholar and some are on Google Metrics.
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Vol 13, No 2 (2024): November
Table of Contents
Computer Network
Nurwijayanti Kusumaningrum(1*), Rizky Syafdi(2)
Affiliation : 1. Universitas Dirgantara Marsekal Suryadarma 2. Universitas Dirgantara Marsekal Suryadarma (*) Corresponding Author
 Abstract view : 0 times,
Prita Haryani(1*), Renna Yanwastika Ariyana(2), Iqbal Abdul Majid(3), Fx. Guntur Putra Susanto(4)
Affiliation : 1. Program Studi Informatika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Informasi, Universitas AKPRIND Indonesia 2. Program Studi Informatika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Informasi, Universitas AKPRIND Indonesia 3. Program Studi Informatika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Informasi, Universitas AKPRIND Indonesia 4. Program Studi Informatika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Informasi, Universitas AKPRIND Indonesia (*) Corresponding Author
 Abstract view : 0 times,
Information Systems
Vicky Fidiantoro(1*), Rianto Rianto(2), Puji Handayani Putri(3)
Affiliation : 1. Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta 2. Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta 3. Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta (*) Corresponding Author
 Abstract view : 2 times,
Yuliani Indrianingsih(1*), Asih Pujiastuti(2), Uyuunul Mauidzhoh(3), Muhammad Leo(4), Edi Triono Nuryatno(5)
Affiliation : 1. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology 2. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology 3. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology 4. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology 5. University of Western Australia Perth (*) Corresponding Author
 Abstract view : 1 times,
Mathematics and Statistics
Ananda Adhitya Putra(1), Fajar Khanif Rahmawati(2*), Sri Mulyani(3), Maria Asumpta Deny Kusumaningrum(4), Gunawan Gunawan(5), Rully Medianto(6)
Affiliation : 1. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology 2. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology 3. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology 4. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology 5. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology 6. Adisutjipto Institute of Aerospace Technology (*) Corresponding Author
 Abstract view : 0 times,
Intelligent System
Yenni Astuti(1*), Sudaryanto Sudaryanto(2), Indah Dwi Ariyanti(3)
Affiliation : 1. Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto 2. Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto 3. Institut Teknologi Dirgantara Adisutjipto (*) Corresponding Author
 Abstract view : 0 times,
Muhammad Faqih Dzulqarnain(1*), Abdul Fadlil(2), Imam Riadi(3)
Affiliation : 1. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Politeknik Aisyiyah Pontianak 2. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan 3. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (*) Corresponding Author
 Abstract view : 0 times,
Data and Information Management
Puspa Ira Dewi Candra Wulan(1*), Rofiq Fauzi(2), Danis Putra Perdana(3)
Affiliation : 1. Politeknik Bhakti Semesta 2. Politeknik Bhakti Semesta 3. Politeknik Bhakti Semesta (*) Corresponding Author
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