Djarot Wahju Santoso

Submitted : 2017-08-28, Published : .


Fuselage is a structure of airplane as the location where the passengers and goods as well as to place the wing and other structures. Fuselage gets loading when the aircraft take off, flight maneuvers, landing and when at the ground. One is the pressure loading on the fuselage aircraft cabin. In continuous operation airplane due to cabin pressure damage such as cracks often occur in the fuselage. The use of skin doubler to handle cases mainly crack analysis is needed to see the effect doubler thickness and variations in fastener against the structure strength. In this study doubler skin structure modeling and analysis using software CATIA V5R21. Modeling structures made 4 types of structure to use variations of the number of fastener and three other structures to changes in the thickness of the doubler. The whole model is given tensile load and differential pressure. Use of doubler thicker in the repair structure will lower the stress that occurs at the doubler. The more number of rows of fastener used will decrease the stress on the fastener this happens to tensile load, but not effective enough for the load pressure differential. Modeling the structure is safe against tensile loading and internal pressure.


trength o f the structure, Repair, Skin doubler


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