Dwi Hartini, Hendrix Noviyanto F, Muh. Nadlah Arifqi M, M.Ridlo E.Nasution

Submitted : 2022-12-28, Published : 2023-01-19.


Buckling is a condition where an object is bent due to the application of a compression (compressive) load on the object. Buckling often occurs in thin-walled structures such as plates. This study aims to determine the buckling strength of isotropic and quasi-isotropic plates. The method used is the Finite Element Method (MEH). The isotropic material uses aluminum 2024-T3, while the quasi-isotropic material uses carbon/epoxy T300-5208 with a [0°/90°/45°/-45°]s laminate arrangement. Modeling and analysis using MSC Patran and Nastran software. The buckling analysis results show the critical buckling stress value on the isotropic plate is  and on the quasi-isotropic plate is  and is still within safe limits when viewed from the Buckling Load Factor (BLF) with a value >1.


Buckling; plates; isotropic; quasi-isotropic

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