Aldrian Nasaifal R

Submitted : 2021-06-27, Published : 2021-06-30.


The large number of Acehnese people who are outside Aceh with various needs, such as doing business, working or studying. The optimal transportation to use to the destination quickly in a short time, namely air transportation. North Aceh Malikussaleh Airport is the second busiest airport in Aceh Province.The analysis in this study used PKP-PK analysis, analysis of the feasibility of Boeing 737-500 aircraft using the FPPM method, and analysis of the load capacity of Boeing 737-500 aircraft.From the calculation results, the Boeing 737-500 aircraft is not suitable to be flown at the Malikussaleh Airport in North Aceh due to the limitations of the PKP-PK category level and the strength of the Malikussleh Airport runway. Therefore, North Aceh Malikussaleh Airport must be upgraded


FPPM; Take-Off Weight; Allowable Load

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