Indra Hading Kurniawan, Nurcahyani Dewi Retnowati

Submitted : 2018-07-10, Published : 2018-05-31.


Template matching method is a simple and widely used method to recognize patterns. The weakness of this algorithm is the limited model that will be used as a template as a comparison in the database such as shape, size, and orientation. The Extraction Feature algorithm addresses the problem of template models such as the shape, size, and orientation that exist in the matching template algorithm by mapping the characteristics of the image object to be recognized. Optical character recognition is used to translate characters into digital images into text formats. Its simple implementation makes the template matching method widely used. In this final project discusses the introduction of color in an image to be detected color, this color recognition is not fully successful because of the influence of lightness. The workings of this application take picture is by taking a picture and then the application identifies the color of any existing and will issue results in the form of text percent, with a success rate of 15% and 85% failure when detecting a color.


Template Matching, Smartphone, Color, Picture


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