Analisis Perbandingan Beban Kerja Mental Karyawan Organik dan Non Organik Menggunakan Metode NASA TLX dan Diagram Fishbone di PT XYZ

Farza Mahesta, Asep Erik Nugraha, Billy Nugraha

Submitted : 2023-09-12, Published : 2023-11-06.


PT XYZ is a fertilizer production company. Its payroll is managed by the remuneration team, divided into organic and non-organic employees. The role demands precision and timely delivery, leading to high workload-induced stress and reduced productivity. Physical and mental demands, time pressure, performance, effort, and frustration are only few of the variables taken into account in this research using the NASA-TLX approach to evaluate the mental strain of the pay staff. A burden Weighted Load (WWL) score of 76.93 indicates a heavy mental burden was found throughout the examination. The WWL for organic employees surpasses non-organics, with values of 81.3, 94.67, 70.67, 93.3, 94, and 85.3, compared to non-organic employees with scores of 67.3, 74.67, 56, 74.67, 63.3, and 68, respectively. Therefore, it's crucial to propose improvements that normalize the workload, aiming to enhance both well-being and productivity.


Mental Workload; NASA TLX; Fishbone Diagram


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