Aplikasi ngresiki untuk pelaporan penumpukan sampah memanfaatkan Global Positioning System (GPS) dan firebase

Astika Ayuningtyas, Asih Pujiastuti, Anggraini Kusumaningrum, Nurcahyani Dewi Retnowati, Gabriel Naka Sorateleng

Submitted : 2021-09-09, Published : 2021-11-01.


Increasing human productivity accompanied by increasingly advanced developments has an impact on the need for faster and easier communication and data exchange, one of which is using a mobile smartphone. ReResik application is an application that is used to report the accumulation of garbage. Garbage accumulation is a problem that is often encountered, one of which is in Gunungkidul tourism objects, so there needs to be a solution to solve this problem. One solution is to utilize Global Positioning System (GPS) and Firebase technology to create a waste reporting application. The use of GPS can make it easier to report the accumulation of garbage in a place by utilizing geo tagging technology and the complexity of the features found in Firebase provide user convenience both in terms of application development and the use of features in applications that can facilitate reporting and recipients of waste reports. All functions in the ReResik Application run according to design. Tests in the field can show the location of the accumulation of waste with photos sent with the difference in the accuracy of the location where the report of accumulation of waste occurs 1.38 meters from the location point sent by the application. The average data transfer capability of the ReResik Application upload is 1161.8 ms for the reporting section and 1004.2 ms for the cleaning staff. Functional testing of photos uploaded to Firebase has gone through the process of automatically compressing photos with an average value percentage of 61.22% of the uploaded photo size.


Global Positioning System; Firebase; Mobile Smartphone; Rubbish; Gunungkidul

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